Note: this feature may not apply **depending on your Wayfinder plan

Navigational Area Constraints represent all of the constraints established by your Safety team, delivered to the Wayfinder team during onboarding. To view these zones within a voyage, select the ‘Area Constraints’ toggle in the map layers sidebar.


These Navigational Area Constraints include two types:

Changes to Routing Operations

No Go Zones don’t require any additional action to take effect - routes will avoid these areas by default.

Speed Control Zones have speed minimums or maximums associated with them.

These speeds may differ between voyages for a number of reasons, for example because of the presence of a whale (for whale protection zones), or based on the capabilities of the vessel (for high risk areas). For that reason, these zones are defaulted without set speeds.

Routing in speed control zones will be regulated based on the values entered in the Area Constraint editor, which can be set by the Captain or Shoreside. Please make sure to update these values as early as possible - at least a day in advance of entering the zones - so that the voyage estimates will reflect them.

Note: if no speed or RPM constraints are set, the zone will not impact the speed or RPM of the route guidance.


Organization Defaults

Shoreside users are also able to view all of the Navigational Area Constraints that are applied to all voyages in the Org Area Constraints (#2) section of the Settings (#1) page.

Shoreside users can view all Navigational Area Constraints in this page, and can also set the default speed or RPM constraints for any individual Speed Control Zone (#3). These defaults will populate the constraint for all voyages created subsequently, though they can be overridden for individual voyages in case they need to change.

These defaults are a good place to set standard speed controls that should most often be used, while you may want to keep the defaults blank for areas that should be set distinctly for each voyage.

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For more details, see the “How To” video below: