The Vessel Details Page is a quick and easy way for shoreside users to examine voyage and vessel details. This Wayfinder feature consists of five pages: Overview, Guidance, Performance, Vessel Data and Reports. You can access this page within Fleet View by clicking on the vessel name.



Within the Vessel Details page, operators can also find the Reports tab. There are two types of reports found in this section that depends on the voyage’s charter type.

CP Adherence End Voyage reports:

Users will see these reports for all a vessel’s completed Time Charter voyages. The report includes the following information:


In cases where there are no good weather days or no CP constraints, you will find that the report shows grey alerts in place of calculations, as there would be insufficient metrics to calculate performance.

Optimization Performance End Voyage reports:

Users will see these reports for all of a vessel’s completed Voyage Charter voyages. The report includes the following information:

  1. Voyage details summary
  2. Constraints and market factors
  3. Guidance performance summary stats:
    1. Daily RPM adherence plot
    2. RPM distributions plot
    3. Suggestion acceptance rate
  4. Vessel Reports with associated weather data table
